Eagleville jr pro cheerleading

The Eagleville Jr Pro Cheer program strives to inspire and encourage the youth of our community to practice ideals of sportsmanship and physical fitness. This recreational program focuses on teaching cheerleading and dance skills to children ages pre-K through 6th grade. Participants are split into squads based on grade level and lead by volunteer coaches dedicated to bringing out the best in each athlete. 

 Our goal is to encourage a good sense of self-esteem, discipline, teamwork, leadership, and physical strength. During practices cheerleaders will be taught basic cheer motions, sideline chants, cheers, dance choreography, jumps, kicks, and stunting. These skills will be showcased in routines performed during Saturday football games during the fall season.


The Eagleville Jr Pro cheer squads participate in an OPTIONAL cheer competition at the end of the football season against the other cheer squads in the Duck River Valley Football and Cheer League. All the skills learned throughout the season will culminate into a one (1) to three (3) minute competition routine that is judged on voice projection, facial expressions, motions, rhythm, synchronization, formations, transitions, difficulty, and squad appearance. Cheerleaders will display their athleticism and teamwork while having fun!

Common questions

Is any cheer experience required for my child to join?

There is no audition or try-out.  All levels of experience are welcome!

When and where are practices held?

Practices are held twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Eagleville school.  Practice times and specific locations will be set by the coach at the start of season. 

What should my child wear to practice?

Athletes should wear comfortable gym clothes and athletic shoes.  Hair must be tied back, and no jewelry should be worn.  No gum or candy is allowed during practice. 

What should my child bring to practice?

Please bring a water bottle to practice (and games) to stay hydrated.  Additionally, bug spray is helpful when practicing outside.  

Are parents allowed to watch practices?

Most practices will be held outdoors so parents are welcome to watch from a distance.  When permitted inside Eagleville school, practices will be closed.  

What is included in the registration fee?

The registration fee includes uniform top, skirt, long sleeves, bloomers, bow, and league insurance.  

What additional items do I need to purchase?

Please purchase white no-show socks and all white athletic shoes to be worn for games and competition.

Is there an additional fee to participate in competition?

Yes, an additional competition fee of $X includes X. 

How can I get more information?

For more information, email eaglevillejrpro@gmail.com or message the Cheer VP, Amber Ingram at 615-557-6226.